
Kissmetrics is a comprehensive analytics platform that provides behavioral analytics and engagement strategies to help businesses optimize their customer interactions and increase conversions through detailed data analysis.

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20 places where KissMetrics clients spend time


1. Julian Shapiro (@Julian)
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2. Kurt Elster (@kurtinc)
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3. Sophia Amoruso (@sophiaamoruso)
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4. Tim Ferriss (@tferriss)
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5. Gary Vaynerchuk (@garyvee)
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1. Entrepreneur
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2. Startup
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3. SmallBusiness
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4. Marketing
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5. SEO
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Quora1. E-commerce Analytics
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2. Digital Marketing for Startups
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3. Customer Retention Strategies
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4. Conversion Optimization
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5. Data-Driven Decision Making
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1. Global Shopify Entrepreneurs
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2. eCommerce Elites Mastermind
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3. Shopify Newbies
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4. Traffic and Copy
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5. VerumEcom
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7 custom ideas for attracting users for KissMetrics

1) Influencer Partnerships: Collaborate with niche influencers in the e-commerce space.

Idea Overview: Partner with influencers who have a strong following among e-commerce startup founders to promote Kissmetrics' capabilities.
Objective: Increase brand awareness and trust among e-commerce startup founders.
Resources Needed: Budget for influencer fees ($5,000-$10,000), Influencer outreach tools, 2-3 marketing team members for coordination.
Timeline: Initial outreach and negotiation (2 weeks), Campaign planning (1 week), Execution (2-4 weeks).
Success Metrics: Influencer engagement rates, Website traffic from influencer links, New trial sign-ups, Social media mentions and followers.

1.1) Step-by-Step Action Plan:
Identify relevant influencers (1 week): Use tools like BuzzSumo or Upfluence.
Outreach and negotiate terms (1 week): Personalize pitches highlighting mutual benefits.
Develop campaign content (1 week): Collaborate on posts, videos, or stories.
Launch campaign (2-4 weeks): Monitor influencer posts and engage with their audience.
Analyze results (1 week): Track KPIs like engagement, traffic, and sign-ups.

2) Webinars and Live Demos: Host educational webinars targeting e-commerce startup founders.

Idea Overview: Conduct webinars showcasing how Kissmetrics can solve common challenges faced by e-commerce startups.
Objective: Educate potential customers and demonstrate product value.
Resources Needed: Webinar software (e.g., Zoom, $100/month), Marketing team (3-5 members), Guest speakers or case studies, Promotional budget ($1,000-$2,000).
Timeline: Planning and promotion (3 weeks), Webinar execution (1 day), Follow-up (1 week).
Success Metrics: Registration numbers, Attendance rate, Post-webinar engagement, Conversion to trial sign-ups.

2.1) Step-by-Step Action Plan:
Choose a compelling topic and speakers (1 week): Focus on pain points relevant to e-commerce startups.
Promote the webinar (2 weeks): Use email marketing, social media, and partner channels.
Prepare content and rehearse (1 week): Develop slides and practice delivery.
Host the webinar (1 day): Engage attendees with Q&A and live demos.
Follow up with attendees (1 week): Send recording, additional resources, and trial offers.

3) Content Marketing Hub: Create a dedicated content hub focused on e-commerce analytics and optimization.

Idea Overview: Develop a resource center with blogs, case studies, and guides tailored to e-commerce businesses.
Objective: Attract organic traffic and establish Kissmetrics as an authority in e-commerce analytics.
Resources Needed: Content creation team (3-5 writers), SEO tools, Budget for guest writers ($2,000/month).
Timeline: Content planning (2 weeks), Regular content publishing (ongoing).
Success Metrics: Website traffic, Time on page, Social shares, Lead generation.

3.1) Step-by-Step Action Plan:
Research and outline key topics (1 week): Focus on high-impact areas for e-commerce.
Develop and publish content (ongoing): Aim for 2-3 high-quality pieces per week.
Promote content (ongoing): Use SEO, social media, and email marketing.
Monitor and optimize (ongoing): Track performance and adjust strategy based on insights.

4) Customer Success Stories: Highlight case studies and testimonials from successful e-commerce clients.
Idea Overview: Showcase real-world examples of how e-commerce companies have benefited from using Kissmetrics.
Objective: Build credibility and provide social proof.
Resources Needed: Customer interviews, Content writers, Design team for case study layouts.
Timeline: Identify and interview customers (2 weeks), Create and publish case studies (1 week per case study).
Success Metrics: Engagement with case studies, Conversion rates from case study pages, Social media shares.

4.1) Step-by-Step Action Plan:
Identify satisfied customers (1 week): Reach out to top-performing clients.
Conduct interviews and gather data (1 week): Use structured questionnaires.
Create and design case studies (1 week per study): Focus on results and benefits.
Publish and promote (ongoing): Share on the website, social media, and in newsletters.- Measure impact (ongoing): Track engagement and conversion metrics.

5) Referral Program: Implement a referral program to encourage existing users to invite others.

Idea Overview: Offer incentives to current users who refer new customers to Kissmetrics.
Objective: Leverage existing user base to acquire new customers.
Resources Needed: Referral software (e.g., ReferralCandy, $50-$200/month), Marketing team (2-3 members), Budget for incentives ($5,000-$10,000).
Timeline: Program setup (2 weeks), Promotion (ongoing), Monitoring (ongoing).
Success Metrics: Number of referrals, Conversion rate of referred users, Customer acquisition cost.

5.1) Step-by-Step Action Plan:
Choose referral incentives (1 week): Offer discounts, credits, or cash rewards.
Set up referral software (1 week): Integrate with existing systems.
Promote the program (ongoing): Use email, in-app notifications, and social media.
Monitor and optimize (ongoing): Track referral performance and adjust incentives if needed.

6) Personalized Email Campaigns: Create targeted email campaigns based on user behavior.

Idea Overview: Use Kissmetrics' behavioral data to send personalized emails to potential customers.- Objective: Increase engagement and conversion rates.
Resources Needed: Email marketing platform (e.g., Mailchimp, $100-$300/month), Marketing team (3-5 members), Copywriters and designers.
Timeline: Campaign planning (1 week), Email creation (1 week), Execution and monitoring (ongoing).
Success Metrics: Open rates, Click-through rates, Conversion rates, Unsubscribe rates.

6.1) Step-by-Step Action Plan:
Segment the audience (1 week): Use behavioral data to create targeted lists.
Develop personalized content (1 week): Tailor messages to each segment.
Launch and monitor campaigns (ongoing): Send emails and track performance.
Optimize based on data (ongoing): Adjust content and targeting based on results.

7) Co-marketing Partnerships: Collaborate with complementary SaaS businesses.

Idea Overview: Partner with non-competing SaaS companies to co-create content, webinars, or offers.
Objective: Expand reach and tap into new audiences.
Resources Needed: Partnership agreements, Joint marketing materials, Marketing team (3-5 members).
Timeline: Identify partners (1 week), Negotiate terms (1 week), Plan and execute joint initiatives (4-6 weeks).
Success Metrics: Joint campaign reach, Lead generation, Conversion rates.

7.1) Step-by-Step Action Plan:
Identify potential partners (1 week): Look for SaaS companies with complementary offerings.
Reach out and negotiate (1 week): Propose mutually beneficial terms.
Plan joint initiatives (2 weeks): Develop content or campaign strategies.
Execute and promote (2-4 weeks): Launch campaigns and monitor performance.
Evaluate results (1 week): Assess joint campaign effectiveness and plan future collaborations.

5 best marketing channels for KissMetrics

1) Marketing Channel: LinkedIn

• Idea:
Launch a targeted LinkedIn content series focused on data-driven decision-making and customer retention.
• What: Develop a series of posts, articles, and short videos showcasing case studies, success stories, and actionable insights derived from Kissmetrics' analytics tools.
• How: Create a content calendar with weekly posts featuring deep dives into how Kissmetrics solves key industry pain points. Use LinkedIn's targeting options to reach e-commerce company founders and decision-makers.
• Why: LinkedIn is a powerful platform for B2B marketing. Sharing valuable content will help overcome advertising clutter, maintain consistent brand messaging, and enhance social media presence by positioning Kissmetrics as an industry thought leader.
• Prioritization: 10 - This is a top priority because LinkedIn's professional network is ideal for reaching decision-makers in your target segment.
• Complexity: 5 - This requires consistent content creation and engagement, which is manageable with your team size.

2) Marketing Channel: YouTube

• Idea:
Develop a YouTube channel featuring tutorials, webinars, and customer testimonials.
• What: Produce high-quality videos that explain how to use Kissmetrics tools, demonstrate success stories, and provide educational content on data analytics.
• How: Create a content plan for regular uploads. Promote the channel through your website, email newsletters, and other social media channels.
• Why: Video content is highly engaging and can help differentiate Kissmetrics from competitors while enhancing social media presence and influence.
• Prioritization: 9 - Video content can significantly increase brand awareness and engagement.
• Complexity: 7 - Requires investment in video production and consistent content scheduling.

3) Marketing Channel: Webinars and Virtual Events

• Idea:
Host monthly webinars focused on solving e-commerce challenges using Kissmetrics.
• What: Organize live sessions where you demonstrate how Kissmetrics can be used to improve conversion rates and customer retention.
• How: Use platforms like Zoom or GoToWebinar, promote through email campaigns and social media, and offer on-demand recordings.
• Why: Webinars provide direct engagement with potential customers and can establish Kissmetrics as a trusted advisor, helping to maintain consistent messaging and differentiate from competitors.
• Prioritization: 8 - Highly effective for B2B lead generation and building authority.
• Complexity: 6 - Requires planning, promotion, and execution but is feasible with your team size.

4) Marketing Channel: Industry Blogs and Publications

• Idea:
Write and publish articles in leading industry blogs and publications.
• What: Create insightful articles that discuss trends in data analytics, customer retention strategies, and conversion optimization.
• How: Identify top blogs and magazines in the digital analytics and e-commerce space, pitch article ideas, and publish regularly.
• Why: Publishing in reputable sources can significantly boost brand awareness and credibility, helping to overcome advertising clutter.
• Prioritization: 8 - High visibility and authority in your industry.
• Complexity: 5 - Requires consistent content creation and relationship building with editors.

5) Marketing Channel: Partnerships and Collaborations

• Idea:
Form strategic partnerships with complementary SaaS companies.
• What: Collaborate on joint webinars, co-branded content, and cross-promotional activities.
• How: Identify potential partners, propose mutually beneficial initiatives, and execute joint marketing efforts.
• Why: Partnerships can expand your reach, enhance credibility, and differentiate Kissmetrics by showcasing integrated solutions.
• Prioritization: 7 - Effective for expanding reach and enhancing brand perception.
• Complexity: 6 - Involves coordination and negotiation with partners.

Ideal customer profile for Kissmetrics.